Efficiency, Accuracy, and Quality

Advanced Gas Leak Survey & Data Analytics

We are leading a new wave of technology innovation with our Advanced Mobile Leak Detection or AMLD solution. Redefining how we view our leak survey by providing faster and more reliable data. The data can be utilized to solve a multitude of issues for our gas utility customers; including safety, quality, emissions reductions, and cost-efficiencies.

Incorporating decades of field experience combined with advanced mobile leak detection technology. Allowing us to develop a best-in-class solution to improve efficiency and accuracy.  As well as providing additional value and insight into a utility’s assets. We take a partnership approach to all business with a focus on understanding a client’s needs and implementing a predefined solution. Once a success criterion is recognized based on a customer’s input and our industry knowledge, we will design a project solution.
In addition it measures atmospheric, meteorological conditions, and methane plume signatures. Also, using dynamic algorithms to compute the likely location and emissions rates of natural gas leaks while screening out false-positive indications. Combining information from multiple measurement sessions run over the same region. Our AMLD or advanced mobile leak detection solution takes advantage of varying atmospheric conditions (wind direction, wind speed, atmospheric stability) to produce aggregate results and to provide comprehensive territory coverage.

We will then performs data analysis to determine where actionable traditional surveying is needed.

Evolving Advanced Technology for Gas Utilities

Environmental and Emissions Reduction Programs

Using the same technology platform, Southern Cross along with our Advanced Mobile Leak Detection (AMLD) system will be able to assist customers with methane emissions reduction programs. In other words, it will provide capabilities for measuring flow rates and methane quantification capabilities. Using Methane Emissions Quantification measurements and big data analytics, we can provide our customers with a comprehensive and actionable set of emissions metrics to accelerate methane emissions reductions in their territory.

Emissions measurements allow the highest-emitting gas leaks to be identified and targeted for expedited repair to gain the most benefit in methane reductions from leak repair activities (above and beyond repairs from leaks found by compliance survey or removed by pipe replacement).

Advanced Mobile Leak Detection

Check out the following resources to learn more about our Advanced Mobile Leak Detection solution: